Nova Scotia College of Medical Laboratory Technologists

How do I determine that I need a  "practise MLT License"?


The MLT practice any of the following:

the use of MLT knowledge, skill and judgement and

the application of relevant MLT practice standards and guidelines and

an impact, whether direct or indirect, on the delivery of health care services to patients.

The purpose of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program (TeKnowledge.ns)


Is to assure the public that MLTs demonstrate their commitment to continuing competence and continuing quality improvement.

The College does this by assessing the knowledge, skill and judgment of members.

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Land Acknowledgement - NSCMLT would like to begin by respectfully acknowledging that the province of Nova Scotia is the ancestral homelands of many diverse populations and acknowledge that we are on the traditional lands, referred to as Mi'kma'ki the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq People who are the founding people of Nova Scotia under the "Treaties of Peace and Friendship". We respect the Peace and Friendship treaties, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.  

Get in Touch


We have moved!

202_1597 Bedford Hwy

Bedford NS  B4A 1E7

Phone 902-789-6465

Email - We request that you email to schedule an appointment to ensure we are in the office and have availability. 


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