Professional Liability Insurance (PLI)
Every registrant of NSCMLT is required to carry professional liability insurance. The following is an excerpt from the Medical Laboratory Technologists Act:
"Minimum professional liability insurance (section 20)
(1) A practising member must be covered by a policy of professional liability insurance that is independent of any insurance coverage maintained by the practising member’s employer and that at all times provides a minimum of
(a) $2 000 000.00 coverage per occurrence; and
(b) $2 000 000.00 coverage per policy year.
(2) No practising member is permitted to engage in the practice of medical laboratory technology unless they are insured in accordance with this Section.”
- Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) provides coverage for a civil litigation damage award arising from a negligent act occurring while carrying out your normal duties as a medical laboratory technologist, medical laboratory assistant or combined laboratory and x-ray technologist.
- Professional Liability Insurance is not the same as employer liability insurance - Employer liability insurance is not professional liability insurance.
- NSCMLT practicing registrants/members are required to purchase their own PLI.
You Can Purchase PLI through the Following Options:
- Harvard Western Insurance (HWI) no membership required
- Medical Laboratory Professionals’ Association of Ontario (MLPAO) membership required
- Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) membership required
- It is a conflict of interest for the NS College of Medical Laboratory Technologists to provide any PLI to its members.