Nova Scotia College of Medical Laboratory Technologists

Frequently Asked Questions

Continuing education is essential as MLTs assume leadership roles in the health care system. MLTs must strive to contribute to the improvement of the profession by embracing the ideals of life-long learning.

TeKnowledge.ns criteria promote professional activities, transferable skills, and lab related professional learning. Licensure and the need for TeKnowledge.ns creates an environment of accountability and uniformity for daily interactions and promotes the educational activities for professional growth.

The purpose of TeKnowledge.ns is to provide the NSCMLT members with recognition and documentation of achieving sufficient professional development to be eligible for licensing.

New NSCMLT members have 4 years to achieve their TeKnowledge.ns certificate?

New grads and new members from other provinces or internationally trained will have 4 years from their initial registration with the NSCMLT to achieve 8 Continuing Education (CE) credits toward the TeKnowledge.ns certificate. Completion of the MLT program or courses related to the certificate or degree does not count towards the required work credits.

Does NSCMLT send out a reminder that TeKnowledge.ns is expiring?

Yes, the NSCMLT office sends out an e-mail reminder @ 30 days prior to a member’s TeKnowledge.ns due date. However, it is the responsibility of the member to be aware of when their TeKnowledge.ns expires and to submit their application on time. Please ensure your email is up to date with NSCMLT to receive these notifications.

Does my TeKnowledge.ns due date change if I am on maternity leave or a leave of absence?

Lifelong learning is essential to keep medical laboratory technology expertise in the rapidly changing laboratory environment. All licensed practicing Medical Laboratory Technologists are required to maintain professional development through continuing education and professional practice. If you are on maternity leave or a leave of absence you are still required to renew your TeKnoweldge.ns before the expiry date. This date does not change for a leave of absence or maternity leave.

What are the options for retirees?

Since a TeKnowledge.ns certificate is good for 4 years it may be advantageous to renew your TeKnowledge.ns as you retire so you will have 4 years that you will maintain your eligibility to work. At all times you must hold a valid TeKnowledge.ns to be licensed as an MLT even when you work casual or part time.

How do I find out how many credits a formal course provides?

Most courses have a number of hours listed in the course description. CSMLS has a list of courses that have been assessed as well to help determine the appropriate number of applicable learning hours. Generally, 1 hour of learning equals 0.1 credit. It is the responsibility of the individual to gather this information.

Is the formula used by CSMLS to assess and calculate course hours for credits being used by the NSCMLT?

No, the NSCMLT does not have the resources to evaluate individual courses and therefore uses the hours provided with the course description.

Do credits get tallied by the person providing the assessment at NSCMLT?

No, the credits must be recorded on the application and tallied by the applicant. The NSCMLT assessor will not add up the credits or assign credit values and the application may be returned as incomplete.

What credit values for Occupational Health, Fire Safety and Safety are individual;s eligible for?

Initial training provides 0.1 credit per hour of training claimed under New Process or Procedure Training. Recertification training is 0.1 credit per hour to a maximum of 0.5 per 4 years. Code green, orange and red training is claimed here. There is a maximum of 0.5 credits for safety. This is claimed under Certification of Safety training.

What credit values are individual’s eligible for related to lab proficiency requirements such as performing CAP surveys, Q Pulse, CellaVision and answering Lorna Pearce (LP3) questions?

Proficiency testing (CAP surveys,TeK Checks, Q Pulse, CellaVision etc.) required by the employer to assess laboratory and or technologist performance is not considered continuing education as it is performed using current testing processes and considered part of your job requirements. Answering questions provided by the employer as an assessment of knowledge are also considered part of your job requirements and not valid for activity credits.

Cella Vision education sessions or Tek Checks completed for learning purposes over and above workplace proficiency requirements may be valid as Continuing Education for credit. These activities must be identified as education sessions or additional to the workplace proficiency requirements. Each activity must be accompanied by applicable documentation showing attendance at a review session or additional to workplace requirements.

How is the number of hours decided for training in an area?

Training in a new area is eligible for credits at 0.1 credit per hour as determined by the person responsible for the training. It includes only actual training time and does not include practice time. This is claimed under New Process or Procedure Training.

Do you require work credits to renew your TeKnowledge.ns certificate?

A minimum of 100 hours (0.2 credits)/4 years of work credits is required at this time.

What credit value do preceptors for student or a medical resident on clinical rotations get?

In the case where technologists are in a precepting role as part of their job, the technologist would get credit value for the preparation and initial delivery of formal training materials and documentation. The MLT gets a one time credit. – 0.1 credit/ hour of preparation and initial delivery to a maximum of 1.0 credit. If the MLT attends a preceptor course offered onsite or online - 0.1 credit/ hour can be claimed under Professional Activities.

Does vendor supply training on a new instrument count for credits?

A one-time credit value for the learning (no credits for teaching – in a train the trainer situation) 0.1 credit/ hour. There is a maximum credit value of 2 credits for all key operator training and it must be supported by vendor documentation or the description of the training session. (Most vendors will issue a certificate that indicates the # of hours of training on it for CE credit purposes). Claimed under Key Operator Training.

If a technologist is active on several committees how many TeKnowledge.ns credits can they claim?

The TeKnowledge.ns program allows those who serve on workplace professional committees, boards or regulatory bodies such as quality, safety, WHMIS, NSCMLT/CSMLS to claim TeKnowledge.ns credits. MLTs may claim 0.5 credits/ year up to a maximum of 2 credit / 4 year cycle regardless of how many committees the MLT is on. Claimed under Professional Activities.

What do we fill in for the Documentation on file for Audit field?

You are required to answer yes or no. You do not have to state what the document is. You may attach the document.

Does an attendance sheet qualify for documentation?

Yes, the attendance sheet does qualify for documentation.

What documentation do I include from online learning centres?

The print screen of the completed courses with the date of completion would suffice.

What To Include If I Am Being Audited?

Course completion: Attach a copy of your certificate of successfully completing the course. Hours of Employment: Attach a letter from your HR department verifying your hours worked in the last 4 years. Or attach a letter from your manager verifying your hours worked in the past 4 years. Committee: Provide a copy of the attendance record that includes your name. Journal Reading: Include the title of the article, journal name, journal date and volumne # Lunch and Learn or Teleconference: A copy of the sign up sheet that includes your name or a letter from your supervisor that you attended

Can I submit my TeKnowledge.ns prior to the year it is due?

Teknowledge.ns should be submitted the same year it is due as it may be selected for audit in January of that year and therefore will require additional details. All activities for credit must be completed within 4 years of the due date. No carry over of credits is permitted from the period of the previous submission.

Editing or deleting entries on the TeKnowledge.ns form

Edit information: Click on the pencil icon on the far right of the applicable activity. A screen will pop up that allows you to edit the information previously entered as required.

Delete an entire activity: Click on the trash can icon on the far right of the applicable activity. A message will display asking if you are sure you want to delete the item. Click “Yes, I want to delete this item” and the activity will be deleted. Or if you clicked the trash can in error, you will also see an option “No, I don’t” to click if you do not want to delete the item.

Delete an uploaded document: click on the X beside the attached document. A message will display asking if you are sure you want to delete the document. Click “Yes, I’m sure” and the document will be deleted. Or if you clicked the X in error, you will see an option to cancel the deletion.

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Land Acknowledgement - NSCMLT would like to begin by respectfully acknowleding that the province of Nova Scotia is the ancestral homelands of many diverse populations and acknowledge that we are on the traditional lands, referred to as Mi'kma'ki the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq People who are the founding people of Nova Scotia under the "Treaties of Peace and Friendship". We respect the Peace and Friendship treaties, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.  

Get in Touch


380 Bedford Highway, Suite 202

Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 2L4

Phone 902-789-6465


 We are Moving August 1 2024 to

202-1597 Bedford Hwy

Bedford NS  B4A 1E7


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