

Medical Laboratory Technology Occupational Fact Sheet

Prepare for Prior Learning Assessment

MLT Competency Profile

CAMLPR Competency profile

Nova Scotia Start - Information and Referral for New Immigrants

Other Resources:

Credential Assessment Process

NS MLT Program

Fair registration practice (FRPA) - FRPA governs the process a regulatory body follows to register a person who applies to practice as a member of that occupation. FRPA states that registration must follow a fair procedure and be transparent, objective, and impartial.

Click to see how NSCMLT was evaluated

Labour Mobility

International Qualification Recognition (IQR)


The Atlantic Immigrant Career Loan Fund (AICLF) is a micro-loan fund for internationally trained immigrants in Atlantic Canada. Providing micro-loans to newcomers allows them to overcome financial barriers to upgrade their skills and obtain their license or certification so that they can:

  • Practice their occupation, regulated or unregulated
  • Find opportunities in field or a related field
  • Change career to adjust to the labour market needs

To learn more, take our eligibility test, apply or discover successful applicant testimonials, visit

Le Fonds de prêt de carrière aux immigrants de l’Atlantique (FPCIA) est micro-prêt pour les immigrants formés à l'étranger vivant au Canada atlantique. Offrir des microcrédits aux nouveaux arrivants leur permet de surmonter les obstacles financiers pour améliorer leurs compétences et obtenir leur licence ou leur certification afin de pouvoir:

  • exercer leur profession, réglementée ou non
  • trouver des opportunités dans un domaine connexe
  • changer de carrière pour s'adapter aux besoins du marché du travail

Pour en savoir plus, passez notre test d'éligibilité, postulez ou découvrir les témoignages de candidats retenus, visitez

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